Sunday, January 31, 2010

1) Subjective Objective

For my topic on subjective and objective claims I have chosen to write about the San Jose Sharks. The Sharks in my subjective claim is that they are an average team at best. An objective claim would be that the Sharks are the best team in the NHL because they are ranked number one in the standings as of January 31, 2010. A subjective claim is a claim that is based on one’s opinion. There are a lot of different views on the subjective claims because they are opinion based. One person’s point of view is always different from another person’s opinion. An objective claim is based on fact and truth that is supported by evidence.

Even though I believe the Sharks are an average team, there are most likely people who believe they are the best team and are willing to make that claim based on wins and losses throughout the season. The Sharks if rated by wins and losses would be considered the best team. I compare who the best team is using the past team’s performance in the playoffs. These are both subjective claims because different people have different opinions on how to rate a team.

An objective claim relating to this topic would be that the Pittsburgh Penguins are the best team in the NHL. They are the best team because they won the Stanley Cup last year. The whole purpose of the playoff system is to weed out the weak teams and reward the best team. This would be an objective claim, because the person using this claim is basing this on hard cold facts.

Friday, January 29, 2010

My past communication is in COMM40 Debate. I participated in the SJSU Fall 2008 Intramural Debate. I lost all my matches except for one. I communicate everyday on the phone, in person, XBOX Live, and occassionaly to myself. I hope to be able to articulate myself better from taking this course. This is my first online class, and I hope to have a positive experience. Some of my interests include playing/watching hockey and football, watching TV, and KFC. I love them honey BBQ wings. Thanks for reading.

-The Situation